April 2020: Wireframe and new locations!
Hi everyone,
What a strange time we are living. I'm stuck at home, but fortunately this lockdown doesn't affect Inspector Waffles' development. Stay safe everyone.
Wireframe article
I'm happy to share that I did a 2 pages-interview In the 35th Wireframe Issue: I talked about Inspector Waffles and the advantages/problems you can have as a solo indie dev. It's a really nice read, you can download it for free here, page 48-49.
New locations
This month I added five new locations (with interactions and dialogs) and finished the previous cinematic that I shared last month, it's way more than a regular month. How is that happened? Well, I'm getting faster at making art for this game, and the lockdown gave me more time to work on it (no commute anymore!). It's better to stay focused on game dev than thinking about everything else these days :)

End of the first part
I did a lot of progress this month and I'm getting closer to finish the first part of the game, but the last 1% is taking a lot of time as you can expect (I'm no exception in the indie dev world :D). If I can tell something, without any spoilers: The feeling of seeing this first part coming to its end is incredibly satisfying, in my point of view. I hope you'll enjoy it, as much as I like writing and making it.
See you soon, and take care of you.
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Inspector Waffles
Inspector Waffles is a 2D detective/adventure game with cats, dogs, puns and a mystery to solve.
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