Version 3.1 is out : mouse description text and minor fixes
After one month of early access, the 3.1 version of Inspector Waffles has been released.
First of all, thanks a lot for your support : I sold more games than I thought. I am so glad that people have enjoyed playing Inspector Waffles, feedbacks are good !
This new version fixed most of the bugs/game design problems/typos you have shared with me.
Also, special thanks to the couple of players who bought the game with a massive tip : you are awesome ! It motivates me to make the best of this game, thank you so much.
New mouse description feature
The text is now linked to the pointer and not to the object anymore, it's easier to read and find objects to interact with now.
[SPOILER] Too well hidden
A lot of players struggled to find the book in the bathroom. I didn't think about the game's difficulty while making it, but if too many people need to find a let's play to solve a puzzle, the puzzle is not well made.
I knew it was not easy, but I thought it wouldn't be a problem. Anyway, I've changed it because it's one of the first items the player has to find, and I think it would be better to start with something less difficult. Now, the tile is darker, so you can spot the difference between it and the other tiles.
Minor bug fixes
There were a couple of typos, one decor with the wrong name ... all of them are fixed, big thanks to the players who found them !
What's next ?
The next version will contain the next location (Erwin appartement). Probably for the beginning of October, if everything works fine :)
Let's stay connected !
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Inspector Waffles
Inspector Waffles is a 2D detective/adventure game with cats, dogs, puns and a mystery to solve.
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